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Webinar | Thompson Hine LLP & Van Bael & Bellis: Regulatory Compliance for Multinationals: ESG Considerations

  • 20/08/2024
  • News

Heightened regulatory scrutiny and government enforcement in the fields of trade, antitrust and ESG create a challenging environment for multinational firms, particularly because rules and enforcement priorities differ in the EU, U.S., and other jurisdictions. Often, tensions between the diverging underlying goals of these different regulatory frameworks make compliance complex and give rise to enforcement and litigation risk. For example, a joint initiative with rival businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (promoting environmental sustainability) may create risks under antitrust laws addressing collaboration with competitors (aimed at ensuring competition in free markets). The focus on global supply chains because of increased national security concerns in the international trade context has added to the administrative burden, with ESG and forced labour among the elements attracting regulators’ attention.

In a webinar on 10 September 2024,  @Andreas Reindl and @Joanna Redelbach, with Mark Butscha and Samir Varna of Thompson Hine LLP, will explore the key differences between the regulatory approaches on each side of the Atlantic. They will share their insights into how multinationals can best navigate the tensions between the regimes and suggest potential risk minimising and mitigation strategies. They will also discuss ESG regulatory and enforcement issues specifically related to antitrust and trade from both the EU and U.S. perspective.

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