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Commission Report on Six Years Application of GDPR

  • 08/08/2024
  • News

On 25 July 2024, the European Commission (the Commission) published its second report (the Report) on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This follows the initial report adopted on 24 June 2020 - available here - and confirms the broad consensus among stakeholders, data protection authorities (DPAs), and Member States that the GDPR, despite some challenges, has substantially benefited both individuals and businesses. This report took into account several sources, including feedback from stakeholders through the GDPR Multi-stakeholder group, the public call for evidence (including Van Bael & Bellis’ feedback) as well as contributions from DPAs, a report by the Fundamental Rights Agency and the findings of the Council of the European Union.

To read a note on this Report, please click below.


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